Content Writing & Journalism Solutions

Dubbed "the Grand Storyteller," I work with you to reach your audience with engaging and research-backed but informative editorial content that helps them solve their money puzzles. 

My content solutions, which target primarily finance readers, help you distinguish your brand from your competitors while building brand credibility with your mass affluent and HNWI audiences. 

I'm also a doctoral researcher pursuing a doctorate in education and award-winning journalist. So, all the content I provide is editorial or has an educational focus and tells the stories you want conveyed. It shows not sells.

"I help clients make sure their content doesn't get lost in the noise—or worse, get ignored."

An experienced journalist, I can provide exclusive B2B and B2C banking and finance articles to well-respected mainstream media outlets. I'm also a practiced content strategist offering customized content wrapped in your content strategy primarily to mid-middle-market and large private sector institutions.

My principal focus is solutions to banking, financial institutions, or wealth management industry clients who target mass affluent and HNW audiences. But, I can offer finance-related editorial content to luxury hospitality, travel, home design, and residential real estate industry clients who serve them, too.

So, established communications agencies and top editorial content marketing platforms that target the finance and lifestyle industries also benefit from my services. Select nonprofit organizations, including professional associations like those described in my case stories under Corporate Communications and Content Strategy Projects do, too.

My Offerings

My clients receive news and content writing, and thought leadership messaging for or about:

√ Wealth growth, management, protection, and enjoyment
√ Private banking and personal finance
√ Personal finance (targeting mass affluent and HNW audiences)
√ Small business development and operations
√ Professional association thought leadership and member development
√ Sandwich generation issues (specifically elder care)
√ Luxury real estate (residential and small individual investor content)
√ Luxury business and personal travel and lifestyle experiences

What I can produce for your reputable mid-middle market or large corporate financial or wealth brand or recognized financial media outlet includes, but isn't limited to:

 Blog posts (reported, feature length)
 Thought leadership content
 News articles (shorts and features)
 eBooks and position papers (a.k.a "white" papers)
 CSR and annual report content
 "Best of" content
 Pillar content
 Infographic concepts and text content
 Edited and repurposed copy and content
 Humanized AI-generated content*

  • Skills include: SEO Writing · Online Journalism · Feature Writing · Research · Interviewing

I've pitched, sourced, interviewed for, written, and provided creative design direction for many of the pieces I produce for my clients. Clients also provide full project briefs to me that I use create their digital assets.

Since visual branding is as essential today as written messaging is, my services include visual branding and design guidance for the written elements of my projects with brands. That includes for infographics, charts, and videos.

 "Humanizing" ChatGPT or other chatbot or GAI-generated content is content rewriting, for which clients can expect to pay a higher fee than for original content written by me. I also require clients to fully indemnify me in writing against harm caused to them by their use of AI-generated content that I've edited on their behalf.

Work with Me

I work best with highly respected brands like those identified here under "Stellar Media and Brand Experience."

While I work entirely remotely, I can work independently or collaborate with your team, integrating into it where needed, to provide editorial content and related services. All work gets done under written contract with my corporation, Thrive Media Collaborative, Inc., and I reserve the right to reject any offer of work.

Contact me for more details on how I can add value to your remote B2C editorial content, or journalism team.